Pediatric laryngologist
Pediatric laryngologist Warsaw
What it does pediatric laryngologist?
A pediatric laryngologist primarily deals with diseases of the ears, throat, nose and larynx. In the case of the youngest patients, the ears and tonsils are particularly sensitive areas. During a visit, a pediatric ENT doctor always conducts a thorough medical consultation that includes an interview with the youngest patient and his parents, and performs a physical examination. In the office, he has at his disposal an endoscope (including a flexible endoscope for evaluating the third tonsil) with a video track and a microscope, with which he is able to carefully examine the patient’s ear pediatric laryngologist. Warsaw is a place where an ENT specialist with experience in working with the youngest patients is admitted. Therefore, if necessary, the ENT doctor can extend the diagnosis with tympanometry, audiometry, CT scan or usg. A pediatric ENT surgeon can perform the following surgical procedures: myringotomy with drainage, tympanoplasty, and tonsil excision or reduction.
Pediatric laryngologist in Warsaw- indications for a visit:
The most common signals that should prompt a parent to visit a pediatric ENT specialist in Warsaw with their child are:
- long-lasting runny nose
- purulent nasal discharge
- snoring
- ear leakage
- rubbing the ear or picking at it
- Deterioration of hearing (the child does not respond to commands, rumbles t.v.)
- recurrent otitis media
- recurrent inflammation of the throat
- swallowing problems
- long-lasting cough, sore throat, hoarseness
Symptoms of Eustachian Tube failure in children:
TE dysfunction results when the pressure in the middle ear cannot be equalized to atmospheric pressure. The tightening of the eardrum causes pain and there is a build-up of fluid in the middle ear space.
Mild symptoms of TE failure
It is felt during a cold as a “blocking” of the ears. More severe symptoms occur during a sudden change in pressure, such as during an airplane flight, scuba diving or mountain driving. The pain and blockage can be intense, sometimes even resulting in rupture of the eardrum.
Acute otitis media ( exudative otitis)
Blockage of the TE leads to the formation of an effusion in the middle ear. Bacteria or viruses present in the upper respiratory tract infect the collected fluid, leading to acute inflammation with exuberant symptoms: severe pain, crying of the child, fever, blockage of the ear, sometimes leakage of purulent or bloody discharge. Exudative otitis most often develops at night. The process requires appropriate drug treatment.
Baby waking up crying at night
During the day, due to the activity of the muscles of the throat (speech, swallowing, yawning), the EO opens quite often, that is, the pressure in the middle ear easily equalizes. At night, the auditory trumpet opens much less frequently than during the day. With the presence of predisposing factors, e.g. third tonsil hypertrophy, upper respiratory tract infection, TE blockage occurs. The resulting negative pressure tightens the eardrum, leading to severe pain. The child therefore wakes up crying (usually every 2-3 hours or so during the night).
Exudative ear infections (EEO) = fluid in the ears
This name is used to describe the presence of fluid in the middle ear space. This is a consequence of a history of acute inflammation or the gradual accumulation of fluid due to TE dysfunction. While acute conditions are easily recognizable, CTS may go unrecognized for a long time. The child does not know that he or she is hearing worse, and only from indirect symptoms can this be determined.
These include:
- unresponsive to commands
- weakening of concentration
- the impression that the child is disobedient
- reduction in academic performance
- apathy
Causes of Eustachian Tube failure:
- hypertrophy or chronic inflammation of the third tonsil
- upper respiratory tract infections
- allergies
- immaturity of the Eustachian Trumpet
- rhinitis
Specialists dealing with the issue
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