Psychiatrist in Krajmed
We offer diagnosis and treatment of neurosis, depression, insomnia, psychiatric help for people with emotional and behavioral disorders, struggling with addictions, stress and those in difficult life situations. We provide pain therapy for migraine, spine, extremities and joints. Consultation is provided by Dr. Elzbieta Rybinska- a specialist in psychiatry, a specialist in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). Dr. Rybinska is a medical psychiatrist and has been practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine for many years, which includes acupuncture and massage. Drawing on her many years of study (numerous certificates of graduation from the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine) and practice, she has developed an original program based on a combination of the world’s two oldest medicines: China and Egypt.
Depression-related disorders are increasingly prevalent in our society. People of all ages and both sexes are falling victim to it. There is a growing number of people whose mood as well as motivation levels are markedly reduced. It is believed that at the root of depressive disorders lies a sense of undervaluation, which translates into problems with adaptation in a new environment, lack of awareness of one’s own needs as well as lack of confidence in one’s own strength and abilities. Depression can have a wide variety of symptoms depending on a person’s individual circumstances.
The most common symptoms indicating that we may be dealing with depression are:
- feeling of helplessness
- lack of self-confidence
- loss of interest in daily affairs
- change in appetite and weight
- sleep problems
- feeling of physical weakness and loss of energy
- anger, irritability
- propensity for risky behavior
- decrease in sexual desire
- Somatic pain- back pain, muscle pain, abdominal pain without medical causes
Stress is an unpleasant mental state of feeling nervous tension. This tension occurs in situations that are accompanied by some complications. Complications are the lack of clear and unambiguously favorable solutions, the fear that something will go wrong, the awareness of limited influence over the situation, as well as internal conflicts. Stress occurs as a result of an imbalance between a person’s capabilities and competencies and the challenges of various situations.
Acupuncture is an effective treatment for neurosis, depression, insomnia, obesity, and asthma. It is also used adjunctively with nicotine therapies. Acupuncture sets in motion the process of correcting any physical or mental imbalance that exists in a person in order to restore inner harmony. Making a diagnosis is based on an examination: the appearance of the tongue, the pulse. By inserting needles, we cause the alignment of energy on its various meridians, and thus restore health.
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