Voice therapy
Consultation at a voice therapist
Do you have problems with your voice? Are you short of breath? Do you speak too quietly? Do you get tired when speaking at length? Your listeners often ask you to repeat yourself? Are you bothered by hoarseness? Make an appointment for a consultation with a voice therapist. We offer consultations and coaching especially for voice professionals and public speakers.
During the initial consultation, the therapist will assess the condition of your voice and select appropriate breathing, phonation or articulation exercises aimed at improving the overall quality of your voice, including its carrying capacity, strength or pitch.
You will learn how to change your speaking technique, develop a soft voice attitude to get rid of improper emission habits, which are often the reason for the formation of so-called vocal nodules
Diction exercises will improve the quality of your pronunciation so that the listener can focus on the meaning of your speech rather than deciphering individual words. Careful articulation will benefit your image and give you confidence.
For a consultation with a specialist, we recommend bringing current test results with you.
Specialists dealing with the issue
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