Hearing tests

Krajmed Medical Center

Hearing tests in children and adults


It evaluates the hearing threshold, so that in case of hearing loss we are able to determine the type and depth of hearing impairment. Hearing tests in children and adults of this type allow us to find out whether the cause of hearing loss is located in the middle ear, inner ear or further down the auditory pathway. Examinations of this type are necessary for people who are exposed at work to factors that damage the hearing organ (noise, vibration, chemical compounds).


Measurement of the susceptibility of the conduction system of the middle ear and the pressure prevailing in the eardrum cavity. Stirrup reflex testing is a prophylactic and screening test of hearing threshold; it determines the location of hearing damage at the level of the middle ear, inner ear and auditory nerve. Impedance audiometry is an objective (does not require patient cooperation), non-invasive test. It is recommended for people who have problems with equalization during airplane flight / diving, to determine the possible use of medications.


This is a complementary test to tonal audiometry. It is performed to assess hearing loss. It allows to assess the patient’s ability to understand speech at different intensities. The test is performed separately for the right and left ear. During the test, the patient wears audiometric headphones and the diagnostician gives him appropriately selected words. As a rule, these are numbers or one-syllable words. The patient’s task is to repeat them immediately after hearing them. The examination takes about 1 hour.


This hearing test involves assessing the susceptibility of the eardrum, evaluating the presence of the ipsilateral reflex from the stirrup muscle. Indications: differential diagnosis of hearing damage; conductive hearing damage; evaluation of the middle ear; exudative otitis media; tympanic membrane injuries, invisible perforations; ear trumpet obstructions; tinnitus; acute and chronic inflammation of the middle ear; as a preliminary test for interpretation of otoacoustic emissions – exclusion of sound conduction disorders.

Krajmed Medical Center

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