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Inflammation of the middle ear

Middle ear inflammation is more common in children than in adults. One of the reasons is the still immature immune system (greater susceptibility to infection). Another reason may be the hypertrophy of the third tonsil, being in rooms polluted with cigarette smoke, being too rare in the open air and anatomical conditions. Eustace’s trumpet (the duct connecting the middle ear to the throat) is shorter and more horizontal in children. In the case of a runny nose, the secretion can get from the throat or nose to the ear. The difficult outflow of secretion causes the microorganisms (bacteria, viruses) trapped in the middle ear to multiply, causing inflammation. Often the cause of ear infection can also be an inhalation or food allergy.


Myringotomy with drainage

The purpose of the procedure is to clean the ear of fluid and to provide ventilation to allow for pressure compensation on both sides of the eardrum. In children it is performed under anaesthesia, in adults under local anaesthetic. It consists in cutting the eardrum (about 1.5 mm long) and removing the fluid from the ear, followed by the insertion of a small tubing (Teflon, silicone or titanium). The eardrum remains in the ear for 3,6,9 months, or longer depending on the type of drainage – so that the ear can continue to cleanse itself and equalize pressure – and when it falls out, the incision overgrows without a trace. Usually, an adenotomy is performed together with a myringotomy in order to unblock the mouth of the ear trumpet.


General definition of all hearing enhancement operations aimed at reconstructing a sound-conducting instrument (reconstruction of the eardrum and the continuity of the ankle chain).


Middle ear surgery, which involves reconstruction of the eardrum using temporal, cartilage or cartilage fascia. It is a stage of tympanoplasty.

Stapedectomy / stapedotomy

Surgical procedure for the removal of stirrup / part of the stirrup, usually performed in the course of otosclerosis (middle and inner ear diseases). The stirrup is replaced by a prosthesis, which is placed in an oval window / or a hole in the stirrup tray and connected to the anvil.

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