Dear patient,
Every surgical procedure (operation) may involve:
– with consequences that are the result of the disease or treatment (can occur at any stage of diagnosis and treatment)
– with complications which, although not due to an error, are undesirable events (occur with different frequency).
After the spool placement procedure the following consequences or complications may occur
Frequent but harmless:
- spool prolapse
- bobbin obstruction (clogging by secretion), does not function
- an injury and inflammation of the external auditory canal
- hematoma of the eardrum or in the eardrum cavity
- middle ear inflammation
- after the planned drainage removal no good effect of the treatment and the need to repeat the treatment Rare, much more serious
- a surviving perforation (hole) of the eardrum
- the formation of a pearl in the eardrum cavity Case-related complications, i.e. single cases described in the literature
- hearing impairment including deafness
- facial nerve palsy
- Functional loss or erratic inflammation, dizziness
- taste disorders
After myringoplasty treatment the following consequences or complications may occur:
Frequent but harmless
- hematoma of the operated area
- the inflammation of the operated area,
- sensory disturbances in the operated area
- an injury and inflammation of the external auditory canal
- hematoma of the eardrum or in the eardrum cavity
- middle ear inflammation
- recurrence or persistence of perforation of the eardrum, which requires repeated treatment
- incorrect positioning or healing of the transplantation and hearing impairment
- taste disorders Rare, much more serious
- the formation of a guinea pig in the eardrum cavity or retractable pocket, which requires a second treatment
- severe hearing impairment including deafness
- facial nerve palsy
- erythema, dizziness
After each extensive surgical procedure, a serious general complication may occur: Pneumonia, embolisms and venous clots, stroke, systemic infection, myocardial infarction, respiratory failure and death.