Consultations on oncological surgery of the face and neck, maxillofacial surgery:
- parotid gland surgery – removal of the superficial part;
- removal of the parotid salivary gland while maintaining the facial nerve;
- removal of submandibular salivary gland;
- removal of the lateral neck cyst;
- removal of the middle neck cyst;
- removal of the cyst of the jaw;
- resection of the apex of the tooth root:
- excision of the lesion on the tongue;
- excision of skin lesions on the face: straight, excision of the lesion together with topical plasticity;
- excision of the lesion and reconstruction with a skin flap or free skin graft;
- Excavation of oral mucosal lesion: simple; excavation of oral mucosal lesion with plastic;
- Oral and sinus fistula plasticisation; removal of the retained wisdom tooth;
- biopsy; removal of bone cysts, mandibular dentine;
- multiple extractions under general anaesthesia.